W. Dan Prince III Thanksgiving Eve Dinner returns to Martinsville High School
November 10, 2022
Martinsville, Va. — The Harvest Youth Board is pleased to announce the return of the annual W. Dan Prince III Thanksgiving Eve Dinner.
The dinner will take place on Wednesday, November 23, 2022 from 1-4 p.m. at Martinsville High School. The dinner, forced to move to a drive-through format the last two years because of the pandemic, will again welcome individuals for a hot meal in-person this year.
The free, traditional Thanksgiving meal will be available for dine-in, carryout and delivery. Martinsville and Henry County community members wishing to order a meal for delivery should call (276) 730-9017 by Sunday, November 20, 2022. Individuals dining in or carrying out meals do not require reservations. The menu consists of a traditional Thanksgiving meal — turkey, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, bread and a cookie.
This year, families with children under 12 will receive a free book. After the success of their literacy-focused event, Books and Bunnies, held in the Spring, the Harvest Youth Board wanted to find a way to include the current board’s focus on literacy with the annual Thanksgiving Eve meal.
The W. Dan Prince III Thanksgiving Eve Dinner has served more than 10,000 meals since 2016 with the help of hundreds of volunteers. The meal serves as a signature event for the Harvest Youth Board and “is a great way to get the community back together, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Oliva Keller, Harvest Youth Board vice chair.
“I’m extremely excited that we are once again holding the W. Dan Prince III Thanksgiving Eve Dinner, in person, just as it was before the pandemic. To be able to get back to serving the community hot meals and to see so many people gather and celebrate the holidays is an honor,” said Cristiano DiMaro, Harvest Youth Board special events chair.
A successful dinner requires volunteers. Volunteer duties include cooking, serving and delivering meals. Delivery drivers must be 18 years and older. Individuals who want to volunteer should register. Volunteer registration closes on November 16, 2022. However, volunteers can also join in on the action on the day of the event.
About The Harvest Youth Board:
The Harvest Youth Board was created in June 2015 to develop projects and initiatives important to young people in Martinsville-Henry County, and to advise the Harvest Foundation Board of Directors on issues relating to youth. The board is supported by the Harvest Foundation and the Kiwanis Club. Grants are available to nonprofits in Martinsville-Henry County for up to $5,000.